Sophia Paraskevopoulou

From the artist
Athens, Greece
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Sophia Paraskevopoulou
Trending Athens
Views 693
An entire universe, almost like a fairytale, a contemporary gothic tale in which the heroes are children seeking a way out from the dark and gloomy metropolis they live in. This way out is to be found within their thriving fantasy world.Under the light of the pc or the television, the cartoons and the plastic toys create a story of their own, dreams of their own. Although melancholy escorts them hope co exists in their dreams. Optimism evident in their eyes; their wide-open eyes restlessly seek the brightness of this or the other world. The woods of our fairytales used to be bright, now forests, trees, lakes, elves and fairies are somewhat darker. However, children, the grownups of tomorrow wish to build their houses and cities with colours make life brighter. Maybe dreams are no longer in the dark yet, only for these children wishing to dream with eyes wide open.
50" X 40"
From the artist
210" X 190"
From the artist